Graham M. Schweig

Graham M. Schweig, Ph.D. (ERYT500 | YACEP) has been a student of many traditional teachers of Yoga. He has travelled to India fourteen times, and has been a practitioner of meditational and heart-centered Yoga for over 50 years. Along side of his personal Yoga practice, Graham earned his doctorate from Harvard University in comparative religion, with a specialization in sacred Sanskrit literature focusing on Yoga and Bhakti.
Graham has been conducting yoga workshops and offering seminars and lectures around the US and Europe for over 20 years, and has been an invited speaker several times at the Yoga Journal Conferences. Additionally, over the past eight years, Graham has been invited by the Smithsonian Institution to deliver over three dozen lectures on religion and yoga at its museum complex in Washington, DC.
Among his over 100 publications of articles and chapters of books including several books, his translation of the Bhagavad Gītā published by Harper Collins, has been widely used in yoga teacher trainings around the country as well as schools and university courses. Additionally, in a couple of years, Yale University Press will be publishing Graham’s translation of and commentary on Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra.
He is presently Professor of Philosophy and Religion, and Director of Studies in Religion, at Christopher Newport University, Virginia, where he has received several recognitions and rewards for his teaching and mentoring. He is also Distinguished Teaching and Research Faculty at the Mira and Ajay Shingal Center for Dharma Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, where he offers seminars and guides doctoral students.
Graham, along with his life-partner and wife, Catherine, is co-founder of The Secret Yoga, for which he teaches workshops on the Yoga of deep study of sacred Yoga texts, philosophical foundations of Yoga, exploring deeper dimensions of meditation, Sanskrit for Yoga, the Upanishads, the Yoga Sūtra, the Bhagavad Gītā, and workshops on many other important themes.